Ministers Message



         Summer brings childhood memories of going barefoot and chasing butterflies.


Wouldn’t you love to be that carefree again? Our adult worries of declining physical health or being alone bring us down. Let us turn all our worries to the One who cares most for us today. Let us name our worries one by one and turn them over to God.

Cast all your anxiety on God, because he cares for you. I Peter 5: 7

American Independence Day, think about the times when you have felt like a flag twisted by a storm. When it seems that the winds would blow forever, they suddenly shifted and the flag unfurled. After the storm, your life, like a flag was able to fly freely once again. Take comfort in knowing that hard times do not last. Give God the glory for that truth.

“Call on me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you and you shall glorify me” Psalm 50:15


Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words as I continue my journey to and through surgery on July 8.

Agape, Rev. Rebecca